
Phallobata alba

Common Name(s)





Hysterangiaceae, Basidiomycetes

Flora Category

Fungi - Native


Hysterangium lobatum G.Cunn.nom.nov.


Northland, Taranaki, Taupo, Wellington


The basidiomata are up to 4.5 cm diameter. They are variously shaped, convoluted and lobed, white to pale grey when fresh, yellow brown when dried, and glabrous. The gleba is green to olive, gelatinous, with some lobes completely sterile. The locules are elongate to irregular, and filled with spores. Rhizomorphs, which are attached at the base, are up to 1 mm diameter, and concolorous with the peridium. The columella is prominent, dendroid, and opaque when fresh. The 2-layered peridium, which is 1–1.5 mm thick, is not separable from the gleba. Basidia are 8-spored. The spores are smooth, 2–3.5(–4) x 1–1.5 µm, ellipsoid, apex and base obtuse. The spore wall is <0.5 µm thick. In KOH the spores are hyaline singly, but pale green in mass. There is no odour.


Found on four occassions in January 1985, June 1923 and 2002, and December 1989.


Epigeous on ground and rotting wood in forest.

Where Held

PDD (holotype), DAOM (isotype), FH (isotype), K (isotype), NY (isotype), OSC (isotype)

Extant Collections

4 + 6

Where To Buy

This page last updated on 18 Jan 2010