Question- our neighbours have this tree 70cm from the fence and about 3 metres from our new house. Our house foundations are cracking near this tree. the window has shifted out of alignment and does not close, movement in tiles, window frames and the brickwork. We have had a long dry summer and the neighbour never waters the trees near the fence line. The building inspector said the tree is causing the structural problems. Do we cut off the roots on our side of the fence and put some poison on them. This tree has the potential to cause a lot of damage to our house as it is still growing. It is atleast 15 metres high. What do you suggest. The neighbour refuses to acknowledge that there is a problem!
I don't think this is really a question this forum is set up to answer.
Hello Eva, as Peter says, your question is better put to a consulting arborist within a professional context, rather than within the NZPCN forum. Then someone could give you an informed opinion whilst looking at the specific situation.
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