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  1. small leaved native

  2. This was found around a kahikatea stand. Gisborne.
    I've tried keying it out and came up with rutaceae, but cant pin it down. I'd appreciate some help on this one thanks.

  3. Here is a shot of the trunk.

  4. Lophomyrtus obcordata (Myrtaceae) - nice find - its not very common in the northern half of the North island - though more common in the eastern part so your discovery fits within that pattern

  5. You probably would have got to Rutaceae because The Myrtaceae like the Rutaceae have copious oil gland sin their vegetative parts

  6. Not sure where I went wrong keying it out - I just tried again, and got to myrtaceae in about 10 steps - It's always easier to key when you know what the plant is...

  7. What an awesome photo of the trunk! love it

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