Forum Topic

  1. Tree identification

  2. Enjoy the chase! I have a saved search on Trademe. Abebooks can also be good, but beware the shipping costs

  3. Saved search is a good idea, thanks. In the interim I have found the library has a reference copy so I can take photos and go and review there

  4. Just to go back to the plant ID - I think it is a P, lessonia, plus around Wellington there are many P. lessonia P. crassifolia hybrids.

  5. Thanks Astrid, I agree. Been a while (>20 years) since I did any serious botanising in Wellington.

  6. Thanks for this. I was looking at the following website and was surprised to see the number of P. lessonii variations.

  7. On the same subject, does that mean the attached (in my garden in Wgtn) is a Pseudopanax lessonii linearifolium ?

  8. P. lessonii is known to hybridise readily with P. crassifolia, and this is another reason to practice ecosourcing.

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