Forum Topic

  1. Banksia integrifolia

  2. Is there a native New Zealand equivalent to the parrot bush?

  3. B. integrifolia is commonly called coast banksia and is common in NZ to the extent of becoming a weed in some places. Parrot bush is B. sessiflora and I don't think it is used in NZ as a garden plant as it has spiky leaves and has a much more limited flowering time than B. integrifolia. In terms of nectar producing natives I don't know of any that flower anywhere near year round so you'd be looking at a range of flowering and fruit bearing ones if you are wanting to attract birds.

  4. I agree with Mike - you will be struggling to find an indigenous tree that flowers year round. However, can I plea that you don't plant Banksia integrifolia (if that is where your line of inquiry is going). It has far exceeded Mike's statement of 'becoming a weed in some places' as it now found wild throughout the North Island (including Great Barrier Island) and it is starting to naturalise in the South Island. In some parts of the North Island - in parts of Northland, Coromandel, Bay of Plenty and the Manawatu for example we are now seeing it form dune forest. If you wish to plant a Banksia that does the same try Banksia serrata - it has only been found once naturalising and then poorly so.

  5. Curses - by my statement 'does the same' I meant provides nectar for birds - not that 'it also naturalises freely'.

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