Forum Topic

  1. Clianthus maximus

  2. Plant is being stripped by something eating it. have tried Mite spray, Super Shield, Aphid Sprays all to not avail. Plant gets stripped down to the bare branch. Cannot see anything as far as webbing, spiders, nests, larvae etc. at my wits end to save this plant. Help please.

  3. I could possibly be birds - the leaves are relatively protein rich and wood pigeons are known to feed on the leaves of trees and shrubs in the Pea Family. At this time of year nutritious tender leaves are at a premium as nesting activity ramps up.

  4. It could possibly be birds - the leaves are relatively protein rich and wood pigeons are known to feed on the leaves of trees and shrubs in the Pea Family. At this time of year nutritious tender leaves are at a premium as nesting activity ramps up.

  5. Are you sure it's not the work of slugs and snails?

  6. Still feel it is more like a mite or tiny insect eating the leaves to the stalk. Will keep spraying with anything I can get my hands on except a weed killer type spray. really do not think it is birds. looking forward to more thoughts. It all helps. Thanks

  7. Everything loves kakabeak, including rabbits and hares. They tend to leave an oblique cut on the small branch tips. I'd certainly put out some snail bait too. Last summer in Hawkes Bay and I think elsewhere rats were causing major damage to some plants, but they were stripping bark too.

  8. Hi Marie, if the leaves are being eaten (which it sounds like as the petiole remains) then it is unlikely to be anything that feeds with a piercing mouthpart like mites or bugs. John could be right - slugs and snails strip this plant very quickly. Another possible culprit at this time of year (Spring) is kowhai moth - this can strip kowhai and kakabeak plant very quickly and the caterpillars are hard to spot - they often hide on the twigs where they are camouflaged by their stripes. Derris dust might be effective.

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