Hi - I wonder whether the NZPCN could consider putting in some regional break downs for Te Reo names? I have been increasingly involved in discussion with a number of iwi and kaumatua who are very keen to see the preservation of the names that they use with their rohe - something that is not only cultural but translates directly into eco-sourcing issues and 'habitat restoration'. Consider what we all think is one species - 'kanuka' (Kunzea ericoides agg.) wherein I have thus far recorded the following names - manuoea, manuka, manuka-rauriki, maru, rawiri, rawiritoa, rawirinui, makahikatoa and kopuka - names which actually relate to at least four undescribed species - and only one which actually applies to K. ericoides s.s. (manuoea). This information is rapidly being lost as those who know are aging and dying (two of my Kunzea informants died three years ago). Does the NZPCN think we should make more efforts to save our ethnobotany? Interested to know.