Hi Mike - I was away so have only now just had a chance to answer this question. Graham and Mike Thorsen have done an excellent job of answering it already from their perspective. The salient points ythough are that: 1., Unless a ruling has been made under the code for Algae, Fungi and Plants on a name you are free to use whatever name you wish (so Mike use what makes sense to you as no ruling on this has been made), 2., the hypothesis that Hebe and its allies should be merged into Veronica is just that - an hypothesis, and its one that many of us feel needs further testing using multiple lines of evidence - not just DNA and cladistic rhetoric to back that up, and 3., until this is done we, as people concerned with protecting and restoring New Zealand's indigenous biodiversity, feel that the wholesale shift to Veronica is premature and 'unhelpful' in terms of our contribution to global diversity. That's part of our opinion...more follows.