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  1. New Zealand threatened plant conservation management from the perspective of a nine year old...

  2. Not a question but rather a comment (sorry if this reads like facebook). Yesterday my two lads attended a joint birthday celebration for two colleagues of mine, one an exceptional botanist (Dr Rhys O Gardner). At said gathering nursery raised gifts of the threatened Waitakere Ranges endemic Myosotis pansa subsp. pansa were made by Geoff Davidson of Oratia Native Plant Nursery in honour of Rhys Gardner. My nine year old was quite impressed by this and he and his brother took two plants. Today they planted these in a large pot, and then as an after thought reflected on the likely threats these garden plantings might face in urban Auckland. No doubt Gareth Morgan could use this for further anti-cat ammunition?

  3. Very cool! But how do they encourage seabirds to poop in there as nutrient and disturbance is likely to have been a strong driver for this species. Love the spelling of endemic

  4. Maybe you could set a few hoops in the pots and place them somewhere in the garden where birds feed safe to alight? I find this gets guano into my garden, albeit of the small passerine variety.

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