Forum Topic

  1. pukeko pest

  2. Hi

    has anyone had success on keeping pukekoes from vandalising newly planted plants. I have heard that planting /plants in sections of nova flow but wondered about carpet squares - not too keen on going down the shooting them line if I can helo it . Any advice here would be great.

    I know the questions differ from your plant id - but I know you have heaps of clever botanist bods any advice would be great and better than reinventing wheels.



  3. Hi again Vonny, a lot of the damage from pukeko occurs when the plants are new and the birds pull them from the ground out of curiosity, though they also eat some species (particularly those with fleshy roots). Temporarily covering new plantings with a mesh screen works but it needs to be in place for a few months.

    Hiding plantings in tall grass or shrubland also helps


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