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  1. Coprosma repens Poor Knights Islands

  2. I have encountered a taupata in a garden with very small leaves that I have been told is from the Poor Knights. Does it have a tag name or is it still just Coprosma repens?

  3. It's just a variant of Coprosma repens and it's not endemic to the Poor Knights either. Similar plants occur from Three Kings to Mokau River and on many of other Hauraki Gulf Islands. I have written something about this variation in the journal Tane which is available online. Later I will put the reference up on the forum for you.

  4. Thanks Peter. I look forward to reading the article.

  5. Hi Frances - I am sorry I quite forgot. The paper in question is:
    de Lange, P.J.; Cameron, E.K.; Taylor, G.A. 1995: Flora and fauna of Tatapihi (Groper) Island, Mokohinau Islands. Tane 35: 69-94. which you can download free from:

    You can also find further reading material in: de Lange, P.J.; Cameron, E.K. 1999: The Vascular Flora of Aorangi Island, Poor Knights Islands, Northern New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 37: 433-468. which you can download free from the New Zealand Journal of Botany Website at:

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