Mike, the NRC is well aware of what is happening with kauri log extraction in the far north. They brought the initial prosecution against Gary Beckham and Ray Bird, which ultimately resulted in a fine of $50,000.00 being imposed. To the best of my knowledge there has been no subsequent action taken in respect of ongoing extraction activity, much of which is highly debatable in terms of its legality. What is required is for the government of the day to strengthen the law surrounding the export of Kauri to eliminate weaknesses that are being exploited by a greedy few. It is a farce that the so-called 'table-top" slabs are able be exported to China as finished products. The Ministry for Primary Industries is responsible for policing the current law and I believe that initially they did block exports of Kauri to China for quite some time. Unfortunately, it appears that the floodgates have subsequently opened. Ministerial intervention perhaps?