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  1. Supple Jack - poisonous?

  2. Hi there,

    Has much research been done on Supple Jack?

    I understand you can eat parts of it, but my partner boiled some up with other veg last week, and although he threw away the Supple Jack itself (he didn't like the taste), he ate the veg he cooked with it, and was extremely ill later that night, suffering a severe seizure.

    We can't think of anything else that might have triggered the seizure, and taking into account the symptoms building up to the attack, even the neurologist says it sounds like a poisoning case.

    My partner found the plant, which he is 99% sure was Supple Jack, whilst walking in the Waitakere Ranges.

    I'm just wondering whether Supple Jack poisoning has happened before? It's a shot in the dark, I know! But I'd be grateful for any information, or direction you can point me in to try and find out more.

    We don't think it's a spider bite as the physical jolts started later in the evening after he had dinner.

  3. The growing tips of supplejack are edible-tasting like fresh peas-so I suspect your poisonous plant was not supplejack. I think you should phone the Poisons Information Centre even though I imagine your doctor did. I'd be suspicious that the plant was tutu, which is very poisonous and can cause seizures. The growing tips of of tutu look pretty like those of supplejack.

  4. Spiders get a lot of bad press in NZ especially white tails. They do bite occasionally but the bite is painful and generally the spider is seen at the time. Most genuine bites cause no problems at all beyond pain. Many a skin infection gets blamed quite unfairly on spiders.

  5. I agree with Mike. I have eaten supplejack many times - though raw never cooked. I don't believe it's poisonous though others in thd Smilaceae (Smilax) are. Tutu sounds more likely.

  6. Incidentally - I have just learned that this individual concerned actually consumed tutu (Coriaria arborea) so no surprised he suffered a severe seizure (he is lucky to be a alive). Supplejack is not toxic.

  7. Thanks so much for this - yes - looks like it was Tutu as you suggested, not Supple Jack! A master of wild foods, he is not. He actually offered it to other people too, luckily no one accepted any.....

  8. Yes well he is very lucky. He should write up his story, take a basic botany course and also buy a Lotto ticket. I have never heard of a recent case of a person who ate tutu before.

  9. Hi Peter, I understand you've spoken to my partner about his tutu exploits(!) - could I have a chat to you about it? I'm a reporter for Radio NZ, and this weekend we're doing a piece "one year on" etc.... My mobile is 021 1928 361. Cheers! Lauren.

  10. Hi Luaren,

    As we have communicated via other media - the short answer is 'yes'. We'll catch up tomorrow. I will need a land line to ring from the Museum.



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