Forum Topic

  1. Host Plant?

  2. Hi Team
    I have this ground cover from the coast at Corner Creek, out from Featherston and have some growing in my graden. Is it hosting some other plant or does it sprout like this every spring?

  3. John I think its flowering if you look closely.Its likely to be Raoulia hookeri

  4. John van den hoeven is correct it is flowering but it is not Raoulia hookeri - it is either R. australis (most likely) or R. aff. hookerii "coast" an unnamed hexaploid endemic to the Cook Strait region and often sold as Raouli hookeri 'Makara' or R. 'Makara'. To be sure I would need to see close ups of the plant.

  5. Those slender green stems could be a leek orchid or some other monocot. Is that what you meant by 'sprouting'

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