Forum Topic

  1. Nematoceras ID?

  2. I found this flowering along the south coast track near Track Burn at the bottom of the Hump Ridge, Southern Fiordland. It was growing in deep shade in coastal forest near a stream with mudstone substrate. Could it be Nematoceras iridescens? I thought it might be N. macranthum, but the flowers were all above the leaves. If anyone could help with this?

  3. Another photo

  4. Another photo

  5. Another photo

  6. Last photo

  7. Hi Rowan, yes it N. iridescens. I have met this species many times and your photo look like some of mine. I understand the floer varies somewhat in colour, being darker than the ones you have found. This species is relatively variable like many of our native orchids. Well spotted!!

  8. Hi Rowan,
    Sorry for being late in replying - this is Corybas but not C. iridescens s.s. but an race allied to it. The labellum, dorsal sepals and petals are too small, and the colour is not quite right either. Our Corybas require a major revision, and this is happening in part with the C. trilobus complex. I assume that as you do plots for the Department of Conservation you have collect a specimen? In which case I will end up looking at it in due course. In the interim I suggest you send your images to Dr Carlos Lehnebach ([email protected]) who may be able to offer a better opinion on it.

  9. Hi Peter, you think I should maybe send some of my photo's to Carlos too?

  10. Yes

  11. Great! Thanks heaps. That's interesting! Unfortunately I didn't collect any because this wasn't on a tier 1 plot, and at the time I didn't think it was anything unusual. I just found it while out exploring in my time off. I know exactly where it is so I should be able to go back and get some at some stage, but unfortunately its probably finished flowering now, and I have a sprained ankle so won't be going anywhere for a week or two anyway. Does this entity have a tag name? And yes I agree with you Peter, I would quite willingly revert them all back to Corybas. I'll send the good quality images to Carlos.

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