Forum Topic

  1. Stewart Island Olearia ID?

  2. Found this purple-centred Olearia on Stewart Island / Rakiura; but can't quite work out which it is. Photo on Flickr: https://

    Also your location options leave out our poor little 3rd largest island in NZ? Is that intentional?


  3. I can't get your image to open but consider Olearia angustifolia, O. Xtraillii, O. lyallii or O. colensoi as possibilities.

  4. Hi - through the skills of my collague Astrid van Meeuwen-Dijkgraaf I have seen your image and your Olearia is indeed O. angustifolia (see This is a common macrocephalus species on Stewart Island - some people include it in O. oporina - but as I have not yet seen a formal taxonomic revision of these macrocephalus Olearia so I prefer to retain it as a distinct species. It is allied to O. oporina (of Fiordland), O. chathamica and O. semidentata (of the Chatham Islands group) and also O. colensoi and O. lyallii - and distantly Pleurophyllum

  5. As for the business about Stewart Island - that I cannot advise on / fix. Someone else in the NZPCN will need to deal with that oversight

  6. Hi there Jake,
    All the offshore islands are available on the map which comes up when you click the 'make an observation' option. You just need to zoom out (click the minus symbol in the top left of the map box). In fact you can record species anywhere on the planet if you zoom out wide enough - a useful option for recording the behaviour of our native plants overseas.

  7. Cheers Jesse I had forgotten that.

  8. Cheers folks, belated thanks for the help!

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