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  1. What is this plant?

  2. Hi, recently I pruned a plant/tree I have in my garden. I came in contact with the sap and now have an intensely itchy reaction where the sap touched. I would be so grateful to know what this tree is. I think the photo show two different plants. The plant I'd like to identify is the one on the right with a few red leaves. Many thanks, Clair

  3. Oh dear you have encountered a very poisonous tree - your image shows a species of 'rhus' possibly a Japanese Wax Tree (Toxicodendron succedaneum - see, the sap is particularly nasty and in some people causes a severe reaction (you can end up in hospital). This tree belongs to the same family as a whole host of nasties including the famous poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans). If I were you I would have your tree very carefully removed and sensibly disposed off. This tree is spreading in Auckland City - birds disperse the fruit

  4. Thank you so much Peter! It's so good to know what it is. The skin reaction myself and my son have from it is really nasty so my husband has removed it. It's good to know we will need to take care disposing of it. All of the info you posted is great. Thank you again :)

  5. No worries Clair - glad to help - and hope you and your son recover quickly and have no lasting side effects. As a further suggestion now that you know your sensitivity try and also try to avoid the spice 'Sumac' - this is a spice derived from a the ground up fruits of African species of rhus (usually R. coriaria but others are also used), which has a tart flavor and which is used often in Middle Eastern cooking on fish, chicken, or in salad dressings, or sprinkled over rice pilaf. people who react to rhus and its allies (like Japanese wax tree) can also react severely to sumac. Its not a commonly used spices (yet) in New Zealand - but forewarned is forearmed.

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