Forum Topic

  1. Please help with identification

  2. Hi, I am struggling with this Isolepis? It was growing in a colony in sand behind the foredunes at Hokio Beach. It is tiny possibly only 15-20mm above sand level. I have attached three photo's. Seed head, scale with finger, sand blown away from base. Any help would be appreciated, Cheers Matt.

  3. # 2

  4. #3

  5. Looks like Isolepis cernua but very robust form

  6. I think Peter is right, the other one to check could be I. caligenis, but I have not seen that growing on the coast and it tends to form mats also

  7. I was more thinking I. cernua var. seticulmis

  8. Hi Peter & Mike, Thanks for your feedback. I also thought it was I. cernua, and was confused by its robustness. After reading the descriptions in full and using a glossary for all the terms unfamiliar to me, I definitely think it is a very robust I. cernua. I have looked also at the seed drawing in Johnson & Brook, I will see if these are ripe enough to collect a couple when I am back up there in a couple of weeks for further analysis. That will hopefully make everything clear. I will let you both know. Thank you both again for your help. I'm sure I will need more help soon. Cheers Matt

  9. Hi Matt, the number of stamens and styles is also important as are glumes, nut, leaves and growth habit. Tricky getting to the styles and stamens - it requires carefully pulling back the glume and you need to do it for a few flowers as the number for both can vary through an inflorescence. Isolepis are tricky, but they are possible to identify (with steady hands and a good lens).

  10. Hi Mike, that sounds like a worthy challenge. I will hopefully find the specimens in a condition where I can get this information from them.
    Cheers again, Matt

  11. Best of luck!

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