Forum Topic

  1. Hebe ID

  2. Just wondering if anyone could help me ID this Hebe. Can't quite figure out which species it is, found in Kahurangi NP, in Cobb valley area

  3. Photo 2

  4. Hebe odora?

  5. I was thinking H.masoniae,not sure though.

  6. Hebe pauciramosa - see Bayley & Kellow (2006) p. 223. They don't record it from the Cobb but it is present in the North-West Nelson area; your flowers match that species better than anything else, the leaves don't match H. masoniae, while the inflorescences are too small and few-flowered to be H. odora or H. mooreae.

  7. Zoe doe you have a close up of the leaf margin? Was it hairy, glabrous or virtually so?

  8. Pretty sure it was glabrous. Don't have any other pictures of the margin but have zoomed in on the last photo.

  9. There was another Hebe there which I recorded as H. masoniae. This one definitely looked different from that one though, assuming I got H. masoniae ID right (attached)

  10. Yes the last image is H. masoniae bang on! I can see the finely ciliate leaf margins and corolla lobes are broader and rounded. So my view is that your other one is H. pauciramosa. If you want a definite opinion ask Shannel Courtney ([email protected]) - send him your images

  11. Cool, thanks Peter!

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