Forum Topic

  1. Found out on the cliffs at Pukerua bay...

  2. in the Muehlenbeckia ...
    ID please, thanks

  3. Rubus - looks like a hybrid between R. squarrosus and R. schmidelioides var. schmidelioides but could also be 'leafy' R. squarrosus - can you take a close up of the stem and leaf hooks and post that please?

  4. sorry, no further image but it had an impressive array of little hooks on the stem. Mini cat claws....

  5. Were the prickles quite yellow? If very yellow then likely leafy R. squarrosus. Looks like R. schmidelioides var. subpauperatus, but this is not known from the North Island

  6. Thanks Mike - that was the point of my asking if he could get an image of the prickles. He says he can't. I think it is R. squarrosus but the hybrid looks like this as well.

  7. pale yellow, almost translucent looking...

  8. OK - Rubus squarrosus then

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