Forum Topic

  1. Help with plant ID

  2. Photographed in a garden in Opoho, Dunedin, October 2014.
    Anyone has a clue of what plant this would be?

    Thank you!

  3. This is a Rhododendron species, probably R. arboreum which is known to be weedy around Dunedin.

  4. Thanks Jesse. I think R. arboreum has rather large leaves. In this plant, the leaves are 1cm wide by 3cm long.

  5. Thanks Jesse. I think R. arboreum has rather large leaves. In this plant, the leaves are 1cm wide by 3cm long.

  6. Doug Thomas, curator of the Rhododendron collection at Dunedin Botanic Gardens says: "The rhodo looks like NZ hybrid R. 'Blue Mist' (R. maddenii x augustinii var chasmanthum)"

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