Forum Topic

  1. Notogrammitis angustifolia subsp. nothofageti

  2. May I suggest that you explain the term "paleae" where it appears in the text to many species of this genus? Many people would not know what this is and it does mean different things in different groups of plants.

  3. That is the task of the glossary not the description - I am not responsible for the glossary and it is impractical to explain every single term used in the word limited fact sheet. I would have thought that if people didn't understand a term they'd look it up. Perhaps when your website is finally up and running we can link to it and you will have it explained and illustrated there...

  4. Hi Larry, the glossary was prepared some time ago and needs to be refreshed when new taxa are added to the fact sheets. Sometimes terms get missed out, but it is good to have recommendations from users. Please remember this website is run by volunteers who labour in evenings and weekends to keep the content informative and relevant.

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