Forum Topic

  1. Myoporum laetum

  2. According to J T Salmond, Ngaio occurs throughout NZ to Otago 'where it becomes rare', Poole and Adam's also report it extends only to Otago. Allan reports it grows to 46S, but rare in southern areas. (It is very common on Otago Peninsular - however most of their coastal plants are garden escapes and not local native plants, PCN also says it occurs throughout the South Island. Is this information creep? The spreading of a northern native? or Information gap in earlier knowledge about distribution? This is important knowledge as the South where I live local natives are significantly under threat of being replaced by planted natives as has happened in places like Otago Peninsula. I know of the Australian species sold as windbreak species. But I would like to establish the southern limit of Ngaio before human interferrence. Any information or reports welcome.

  3. HI Kath, I'm not aware of any natural populations south of the Otago peninsula, but John Barkla knows the SE Otago coast better than I do

  4. Thanks Mike. I hope to follow that up.

  5. Hi there Kath - John Barkla is overseas until August,but email him when he gets back. I'm told that Maori planted ngaio extensively on the coast in southern New Zealand because the smoke was used as a sandfly repellent.

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