Forum Topic

  1. Pimelea longifolia?

  2. Do you think this is Pimelea longifolia? I photographed it by the roadside a few kms north of Mokau Landing last October.

  3. Hi Kay, you will need to attach the photo. Burrow's does not give records of P. longifolia from that area, but others may know if it from around there

  4. Thanks, Mike. I did try to insert a photo but must have done something wrong - I'll try again.

  5. Great photo Kay!

  6. HI Kay, it's definitely a Pimelea and I would think it is P. longifolia, but the defining characters between this species and the similar P. gnidia need further work. P. ginidia in general is a higher elevation species with smaller leaves and flowers, but the differences between the two species might be resulting in part from climatic differences in where they occur (in my opinion) or blurred by hybridisation (Burrows hypothesis).

  7. Yes ive had that problem in the Tararuas where both grow though im sure a lot ive found are P.gnidia.As Mike says it needs further work.

  8. Is this Mokau on the western coast of the North Island? I don't know of P. longifolia from that area but see no reason why it can't be there. Your image looks like P. longifolia and despite what Colin Burrows said I still believe that what he called P. gnidia x P. longifolia are functional examples of P. longifolia (having grown them from many of the sites he stated were 'hybrids'). Either way, your image fits my understanding of P. longifolia and if it comes from the Mokau River area its new record as far as I am concerned of this species from that part of the North Island.

  9. Thanks to you all for your comments. Peter, I should have said "Mokau Landing, Lake Waikaremoana" to save confusion.

  10. Ah yes in which case it is most certainly Pimelea longifolia and it is well known from there,

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