Forum Topic

  1. Identification help please

  2. I think that this is a Anaphalioides (hookerii) taken on the akatarawa saddle. Can anyone help? Cheers

  3. and one more sorry about quality..

  4. I think I've sent you my photo to the wrong place. Sorry about that, I'll see if I can find the proper way to send my question.

  5. An extract from a publication list titled Plant checklist for ferns for Akatarawa Saddle and Waterfall creek by PJ Brownsey has listed Helichrysum bellidiodes

  6. Robyn is correct this is Anaphalioides bellidioides

  7. Hi Robyn & Peter, thanks heaps, I thought it different due to the size of the leaves, they are quite a bit larger than suggested in the Flora description...But I suppose I should know better than that by now, the leaves often are the most plastic part of a plant :) Cheers again

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