Forum Topic

  1. Making the point...

  2. Robyn Smith picking a few holes for Melicytus obovatus at Rocky Bay in Titahi Bay....

  3. Great Pic!

  4. take THAT budget cutters....

  5. Great photo John. Would it be ok to put this up on the NZPCN Facebook page?

  6. Ha, the plants we were planting were Melicytus aff. obovatus (a) (AK 235617; Cook Strait) an as yet undescribed Melicytus endemic to the Cook Strait area. This small population was first noted by Aston in 1907 and a second even smaller population around 50 metres further along the cliffs was discovered by Peter de Lange in 1990. Otari-Wilton's Bush nursery grew these for me and the staff and I and the Manager of Parks at Porirua City Council, Olivia Dovey also helped plant. The site is very close to the natural populations. I hope the birds and lizards will distribute the seed into more areas on the cliffs. The site is part of a Key Native Ecosystem funded by Greater Wellington Regional Council.

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