Forum Topic

  1. Northern rata in beech forest

  2. My impression is that northern rata (Metrosideros robusta) is uncommon or doesn't occur in beech forest. Is this correct? I know it occurs at lower altitudes with hard beech (Fuscospora truncata), but does it occur with the smaller leaved beech species too. What is the attitudinal limit of northern rata - similar to tawa (Beilschiedia tawa) and kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa)?

  3. Hi Astrid,the highest ive seen it growing is along the Marchant Ridge in the Tararuas at around 700 to 800m and also around Cone Saddle once again in the Tararuas.It was mainly growing with Kamahi,Miro and some others but there were also some Silver Beech.But I haven't normally seen it that high anywhere else,others of course may have more info.

  4. As a rule Astrid you are quite correct but in Te Urewera you will occasionally find northern rata growing with red and silver beech up to 1000 m and also in the Raukumara Range (from memory). On Mt Te Aroha it grows with Silver Beech at 960 m a.s.l. I have also seen it in the Tararua Ranges - like John notes, where people have often confused it with M. umbellata (which is not as far as i can tell present in the Tararua Range - though hybrids between it and M. robusta are (based on DNA data collected by the University of Auckland), and these have been called M. umbellata).

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