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  1. Help identifying please

  2. Wondering if it is a Pimelea? Small shrub with small leaves & flowers, coastal. Taken grown naturally at Port Waikato.

  3. Hi Hayley, this looks like Leucopogon fasciculatus, which often grows in back dunes, and grows as low hummocks when the wind cuts it down to size.

  4. Thanks Philip, Leucopogon fasciculatus inflorescence is different I think? Will take a closer look when I'm out there next. Also the leaves are more serrated? Had quite a few natives to i.d, so had already identified Leucopogon fasciculatus and thought the one above was similar but different.

  5. Hi Hayley. Definitely Leucopogon fasciculatus with those leaves. The plants up at Te Paki have similar inflorescences, which appeared to me also to be different to the L. fasciculatus most commonly encountered. Possibly an environmentally induced variation?

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