Forum Topic

  1. Help with ID please

  2. I think this fern may be Adiantum capillus-veneris. This group of plants had previously been recorded as A. aethiopicum, I am dubious.. please help

  3. another pic

  4. and another

  5. Hi Matt

    The indusia appear to be kidney shaped (A. aethiopicum) as opposed to oblong ( A. capillus-veneris)


  6. Hi Matt

    A. raddianum is also a distinct possibility. Where was it growing?


  7. Hi Pat,
    The site is some private property known as Motuhara Bush in Plimmerton, Porirua. MC Mcdonald botanised the area in 1978. (Is that Maggy Wasilieff's maiden name?). I have just had another look through all the material I have in the Brownsey book and the Flora descriptions, I think it may be A. raddianum as the ultimate lamina segments are divided. I also think that maybe the indusia notches are shallower than A. aethiopicum, as depicted in the Brownsey illustration.
    What do you think?
    Cheers Matt

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