On a walk up to Trig 1423 on the south side of the Lindis Pass I can across these sparse pink flr with narrow upright leaves at around 1000m - sparse with only 2-3 plants
Dianthus - possibly D. armeria - see http://www.nzpcn.org.nz/flora_details.aspx?ID=3766
Hi Matthew & Peter, I thought it might have been Silene conica judging by the pictures we have up on the site, are they correct? http://www.nzpcn.org.nz/flora_details.aspx?ID=2685
Hi Peter & Matt, Looking back at my raw image, enlarged I would go with Silene conica given flower form and flower buds. Unfortunately the Dianthus images are small to allow good comparison. Thanks Matt Sole
Hi Matt - yup agree with you. Not one I know.
Funny, I was just identifying my photos of Dianthus armeria - which is which I think is the right identification of Jeremy's Silene conica images - S. conica has a bifid limb and also has glandular hairs. I concur that Matthew's photo is most likely S. conica.
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