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  1. Celmisia spedenii

    Started by: Dave Toole
    (Non-member from Invercargill City), 22 Nov 13 17:07

    Comments/Replies: 5

    Latest: Dave Toole
    (Non-member from Invercargill City)
    22 Nov 13 17:07

  2. Myosotis

    Started by: Dave Toole
    (Non-member from Invercargill City), 20 Nov 13 20:54

    Comments/Replies: 12

    Latest: Dave Toole
    (Non-member from Invercargill City)
    20 Nov 13 20:54

  3. Nicandra physalodes

    Started by: Leanne
    (Non-member from Auckland), 17 Nov 13 11:57

    Comments/Replies: 3

    Latest: Leanne
    (Non-member from Auckland)
    17 Nov 13 11:57

  4. Pittosporum tenuifolium

    Started by: Maz
    (Non-member from Tasman District), 17 Nov 13 09:00

    Comments/Replies: 2

    Latest: Maz
    (Non-member from Tasman District)
    17 Nov 13 09:00

  5. Carex secta how old do they get ?

    Started by: Owen Spearpoint
    (Non-member from Wellington City), 15 Nov 13 13:42

    Comments/Replies: 4

    Latest: Owen Spearpoint
    (Non-member from Wellington City)
    15 Nov 13 13:42

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